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Merger within the SD Worx Group as of 1.10.2022

SD Worx Enterprise Finland Oy, SD Worx BPO Finland Oy and SD Worx Shared Services Finland Oy join forces and continue under the name SD Worx Finland Oy (previously SD Worx Enterprise Finland Oy)

Article has been updated 10 October 2022 regarding the new company name: Our name is now officially SD Worx Finland Oy.

In search of simplification of our corporate structure, we have proceeded to a merger within the SD Worx Group. As from 1 October 2022, our companies SD Worx Enterprise Finland Oy, SD Worx BPO Finland Oy and SD Worx Shared Services Finland Oy will merge and result in an entity named SD Worx Finland Oy (previously SD Worx Enterprise Finland Oy).

Please take note of the new company details and make sure you use them to ensure your payments and invoicing are processed correctly, as from 1 October 2022:

SD Worx Finland Oy (previously SD Worx Enterprise Finland Oy)
VAT: 2644026-6
FI82 1214 3000 1125 77 – BIC: NDEAFIHH

Purchase invoices:
OVT: 003726440266
Operator: InExchange

If it’s not possible for you to send EDI invoices, you may send an invoice by email or in paper. When using email, the invoice attached to an email must be in the PDF format and only one invoice per a PDF file and email.

Purchase invoices:
P.O. Box 309, 02631 Espoo

This merger does not change any aspect of our contractual services. All rights and obligations associated with your current contract will be retained, so no actions need to be taken in terms of amending your current contract. We will be happy to continue to provide the best possible customer service.

Should you have any questions regarding the merger, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: nordic.ostoreskontra@sdworx.com